It's the second week of university and for many this means tutorials have begun. Now for some degrees (i.e. those that last around 5 years) this is purely another intro year. For those studying a 3 year degree (like a BSCT at Usyd) taking a 2000 level course would generally mean you're a third of the way through your degree and have some skills that may relate to degree. Like being able to write a simple program in a OO language like Java.
Lab: C BMI program
Create a file called bmi.c that reads two numbers (both floating points), weight in kilos and heights in metres and prints the corresponding BMI (weight over the square of height)
I'm bored.
March 11, 2010 at 7:59 PM
Oh dear - I don't understand a word of that! But I bet it helps when tutors show up!